Heating technology variety: sustainability and flexibility
The heating industry offers a wide range of technical solutions designed to help achieve climate targets, whereby the systems that may be installed are regulated in Germany by the Buildings Energy Act (GEG). A variety of options are available for existing and new buildings. For example, heat pumps that harness environmental energy, such as air, water or geothermal sources, are particularly climate friendly. Another option is hybrid heating systems that combine different technologies, such as a gas-condensing boiler and a heat pump, thus reducing the amount of fossil fuels consumed. Biomass heating systems using renewable fuels, such as pellets, wood chips or logs, are also a potential solution. So-called ‘H2-ready’ gas heating systems, which can later be converted to 100 percent hydrogen, are also future-oriented. Gas or oil condensing boilers may also be installed, provided they use a climate-friendly source of energy, such as bio-methane, biogenic liquid gas or Green Fuels. This wide range of options gives homeowners the opportunity to choose the heating system that best suits their needs while taking sustainability and efficiency into account.
Interesting subsidies for climate-friendly heating systems
The systems currently installed in German basements have a key role to play in the success of the energy revolution. Of the approximately 21 million heating systems, around 10 million are an average of 17 years of age and technically obsolete. This is where the state comes in with an interesting subsidy aimed at speeding-up the modernisation process. From 2024, anyone who installs a climate-friendly heating system can claim back 30 percent of the costs and, until the end of 2028, there is an additional 20 percent climate speed bonus for replacing an old heating system. Households with an annual taxable income of up to €40,000 receive another 30 percent, resulting in a maximum subsidy of 70 percent of the investment costs. Thanks to these parameters, climate-friendly heating is not only ecologically sound but also financially advantageous. Homeowners benefit from future-proof technologies, lower energy costs and the knowledge that they are making an active contribution to climate protection.

Tomorrow's heat generation at ISH 2025
Manufacturers will be presenting the complete range of heating systems and the most important heating-technology trends and innovations in the ‘Heat Generation’ solution field at ISH 2025 in Frankfurt am Main from 17 to 21 March 2025. In addition to heat-generation technologies, the ISH exhibitors in Frankfurt will also present the status quo with regard to efficient heat distribution, transfer and storage. Digital solutions such as energy management systems will also be on show at the trade fair. Further information about this solution field can be found here.
The programme of ISH 2025 features a wide range of events. A particular highlight is the ‘Building Future Conference’, which is to be held in the ‘Portalhaus’ building of Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre and will bring together experts from politics, local authorities, the property and housing industry, energy supply, planning and architecture. The aim of the conference is to discuss solutions and strategies for the successful realisation of the heating revolution. The event is organised in cooperation with the partner associations of ISH, the Federation of German Heating Industry (BDH), the Association of Air-Conditioning and Ventilation in Buildings (FGK), the German Association for Energy Efficiency in Building Services (VdZ) and the German Sanitation, Heating and Air-Conditioning Association (ZVSHK).
Additionally, the ‘German Energy Consultants’ Conference’ and the ‘House of Energy’ congress will generate valuable impulses for energy-efficient and sustainable building concepts. In other words, ISH 2025 is not only a showcase for technical innovations but also a hub for expert discourse on the challenges and opportunities of the heating revolution.
Full details at a glance
A comprehensive overview of the entire ISH 2025 programme covering everything from the solution fields to events and exhibitors can be found on the trade-fair website at www.ish.messefrankfurt.com
ISH – The World’s Leading Trade Fair for HAVAC and Water – opens its doors from 17 to 21 March 2025.
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