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Building Future Conference

Graphic for Building Future Conference

At the world's leading trade fair, experts from the sanitation and HVAC industry will be providing valuable insights into practical applications. What is already possible today? What can be expected in the coming years – and what political framework conditions are needed to enable the technologies to achieve their full potential?

From 17 to 20 March, the Building Future Conference will offer a programme with high-calibre participants. Experts from politics and local government, the real estate and housing industries, as well as energy suppliers, planners, architects and project developers will discuss strategies for advancing building and energy concepts and thus making a significant contribution to climate protection and the conservation of resources.

The Building Future Conference is organised by Messe Frankfurt together with the following partners: the Federation of German Heating Industry (BDH), the Association of Air-Conditioning and Ventilation in Buildings (FGK), the German Association for Energy Efficiency in Building Services (VdZ) and the German Sanitation, Heating and Air-Conditioning Association (ZVSHK) and other industry associations at national and international level.

The detailed programme of events will be published in stages in the ISH event calendar.

All contributions will be simultaneously translated into German and English.

Registration is necessary for the Building Future Conference. You will find the link for this below the respective daily programme below. You will then receive a voucher code to visit ISH 2025, which includes the conference.

Key topics

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On Monday, March 17, the panels at the Building Future Conference will deal with the design of the political framework for the heating transition and concepts for the successful implementation of this mammoth task. Both the European and the German situation will be examined. Among other things, the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and a possible amendment to the German Building Energy Act (GEG) by a new German government will be discussed.

Members of the European Parliament and representatives from associations, industry and federal politics are expected to attend the panels. The Federation of German Heating Industry (BDH) is responsible for the content of the programme.

You can view the detailed lecture programme here: Download (PDF)

Municipal heating planning on trial

Implementing the heating transition in over 10,000 municipalities – an enormous challenge for society as a whole

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The conference day offers representatives of cities and municipalities as well as all interested parties valuable presentations, impulses and opportunities for discussion. Experts from associations, municipalities and companies will debate topics such as the affordable energy supply of the future in municipalities, the concrete implementation of the heating transition, the pitfalls of the KWP - municipal heating planning, services of general interest in relation to energy and heating, the use and benefits of digitalisation and state funding for measures, also against the current backdrop of new federal elections in February 2025.

The keynote speech at the Municipalities Day will be given by Dr Kai Roger Lobo, Verband kommunaler Unternehmen e.V. (VKU). Further exciting keynote speeches, a panel discussion and a suitable tour of the trade fair will round off the day's programme.

The conference day is organised by the VdZ team.

You can view the detailed lecture programme here: Download (PDF)

European Buildings Directive (EPBD) and amendment of the Building Energy Act (GEG)

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People's health and performance should be at the forefront of the planning, construction and modernisation of buildings. This necessity was enshrined in law at the latest when the European Buildings Directive (EPBD) came into force. The EPBD must be implemented at national level by May 2026, which will be realised in Germany by means of an amendment to the GEG.

The forum ‘European Buildings Directive (EPBD) and Amendment of the Building Energy Act (GEG)’ will discuss the challenges for the GEG and the influence of TGA.

You can view the detailed lecture programme of the Planners' and architects' day here: Download (PDF)

The future of the construction industry – the challenges of energy-efficient renovation in existing buildings

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Political guidelines and requirements for cost and energy efficiency are among the current challenges facing the real estate industry. This applies to new buildings as well as to existing buildings, both residential and non-residential.

In the forum ‘Future of the Construction Industry - Challenges of Energy-Efficient Renovation in Existing Buildings’, these aspects will be examined from different perspectives and solutions from various disciplines will be presented.

You can view the detailed lecture programme here: Download (PDF)